Join the Soulful Synergy Sanctuary - A Free Community to Foster Personal and Collective Growth

Introducing the Soulful Synergy Sanctuary - A Free Community to Foster Personal and Collective Growth

Hey guys, today’s newsletter will be brief.

I created a free community on the platform, Circle.

The purpose of this community is to foster authentic connection among people on the path of spiritual growth and self-actualization.

I know this path can be lonely.

And I strongly believe in the idea of power in numbers.

With more and more people uniting on this journey of growth, the more we will all grow in the long run.

This community will be used to:

  • create friendships through virtual events such as weekly connection calls and meditation hour (time and day TBD)

  • share resources (books, podcasts, articles, videos, etc.)

  • share your creative outlets (art, writing, films, etc.)

  • discuss deep spiritual and philosophical topics

  • help each other self-actualize

If you are looking to connect with like-minded people, I am hoping to make this community the go-to spot for this!

My vision for this community is for people who join to create deep, long-lasting friendships with each other.

A “soul tribe” so to speak.

If you are interested in joining the community, do this to get started:

  1. Click this link to join the community

  2. Download the Circle App - available on IOS and Android (desktop interface is also great)

  3. Create your profile - the purpose of this community is to foster genuine connection, so it is required that you use your real name, upload a profile picture, and write a bio.

  4. Write a post introducing yourself in the “Introduce Yourself” tab

  5. Turn notifications for “Events” on so you can be reminded of the weekly connection calls

  6. Read the Rules

  7. Start posting and interacting with other members!

  8. Invite your friends to the community!

I find it also important to be upfront and tell you that it will take some time before the community is super active and poppin’, but with your continued participation, this process can go much more quickly and smoothly.

I am planning on the first connection call being in about 1-2 weeks time.

Here is a video explaining a bit more about the community:

And again, here is the link to join! I hope to see you in the community.


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