Soul Trip - Why You Need to Go on a Monthly Adventure
The Fastest Way To Mentally Reset & Avoid Burnout
In my life, I have found there is no better way to reset my brain than to immerse myself in Nature.
Entrepreneur Matt Gray calls this a “soul trip.”
A soul trip is an adventure one goes on to reset the soul, slow down, get back in touch with oneself, so that one can go back into the world with greater awareness and in tune with what really matters.
This type of trip can be especially beneficial to someone who has a restless mind and body, is experiencing burnout, and/or is feeling engulfed by work, relationships, or other life demands,
Depending on what you feel that you need, this could be a 1 day, 1 week, or possibly even longer trip.
But whatever the length of time, make sure it is in Nature, away from the busyness and noisiness of everyday life.
Some ideas for your possible soul trip are:
A hike at a nearby regional or state park
Weekend camping trip
Car camping
A week long road trip to a national park(s)
Renting a cabin in the woods
Leave the phone behind (or at least use as sparingly as possible).
Immerse yourself for the entire day.
Bring a journal to jot down your insights.
Have the courage to fully feel what you need to.
If with friends, have deep conversations. Talk about the things that really matter.
I cannot emphasize enough how profound the healing power of Nature is.
In Japan, they actually prescribe “forest bathing” for alleviating mental health issues.
In addition, there is a growing body of research that finds that time in Nature is paramount to overall health and well-being.
If you want to learn more, check out this video I made a few months back:
My Recent Soul Trips
Prior to 2024, I changed my environment and life situation to one that would allow me more independence, autonomy, and time to work on my business.
I have been working relentlessly yet relatively calmly at the same time creating Youtube videos, writing newsletters, creating Instagram content, and launching my life coaching business (the Spiritual Fitness Program), while also serving tables at a nearby restaurant to earn some extra $$$.
In this process, I allowed my mind to run wild and gave myself the space to intuitively pursue whatever I felt excited to at the time.
While I have produced some of my best work to date and have fully launched the life coaching program by now, I have witnessed my mind become completely obsessed by this entire entrepreneurial endeavor.
This comes with both pros and cons.
The pros are that I have been very productive, creative, generate amazing ideas, and feel that I am utilizing my core strengths to create a better world.
The cons are that my mind and body are restless, as it has been difficult for me to get a good night’s sleep consistently, unwind, slow down, and be present.
To bring my body and mind into balance, I have been craving Nature.
And I have gone on 4 soul trips so far in 2024.
Each trip has been a solo, 1 day, all-day hike in deep Nature, with little or no people around.
These soul trips have been absolutely essential in keeping me level-headed and calm throughout this entire process of growing my business.
I have come away from each trip with a deep appreciation of the world, the way my life has unfolded, and feeling in tune with my life purpose.
Quite literally, these soul trips have been a reset.
A way to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and REconnect with yourSelf, and get back in touch with what truly matters.
I always come away with a few insights on how I can be more loving to myself and others, and create more harmony in day-to-day life.
Without these soul trips, my life would be significantly worse than it is right now.
Plan Your Soul Trip
If you are feeling like you need to reconnect with yourself, plan your soul trip right now!
Don’t waste time.
Don’t push it off.
Go as soon as possible.
This is your health and well-being on the line.
And without your well-being, how can you expect to serve your loved ones and the world to the best of your ability?
Nature will heal you.
Nature will nourish you.
Nature will expand your mind and plant the seeds necessary for you to grow into your most mature, self-actualized version.
Plan your soul trip now.
My Offers
As of March 21, I have an opening for the Spiritual Fitness program.
It is designed to equip you with an arsenal of spiritual practices, skyrocket your awareness, and catalyze your life purpose.
The price is also 80% off, or $1000 off the full price.
The program will never be available for this low again, so if you are interested already, it may be best to act now.
Check out the Coaching tab of my website to learn more, and watch the program video in full before applying.
That’s all I have for today guys, but check out some pictures from my recent soul trips below!