Who is Wyeth?

About me

Wyeth is a human, who, just like you, is seeking answers to the big questions in life.

For as long as he can remember, he has asked questions such as: 

  • “Who am I?” 

  • “What am I doing here?”

  • “What is my purpose in life?”

  • “What is the nature of reality?”

  •  “Does God exist?”

  • “Why is there something rather than nothing?”

  • “Why are some humans so loving yet others so hateful?”

  • “How do I live the good life?”

His questioning led him to having a profound spiritual awakening in 2019, which radically altered his sense of self and world.

In his desire to share his experiences and budding wisdom to the world, he founded The Curious Minds Youtube channel (now inactive) in 2019 and later the Wyeth Sterling channel in 2023.

Throughout his two channels, he has accumulated over 50,000,000 impressions, 3,000,000 views, and 250,000 hours of watch time.

Throughout all of his work, his mission is to help raise humanity’s consciousness and foster the species’ collective self-actualization and transcendence.

In 2023, he received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.

He came away from his experience in university underwhelmed by the institution’s capability to teach people life skills for leading ethically responsible lives, how to be happy, how to find one’s unique life callings, and thus cultivate the unique gifts they have to offer the world.

Wyeth found that a bulk of valuable insight he received about psychology came from his own study, observation and interaction with people in the world, and probing into and dissecting his direct experience.

In fact, Wyeth’s favorite branch of psychology, transpersonal psychology, which is the aspect of psychology that integrates spiritual, mystical, and transcendent realms of consciousness into a coherent framework, was a subject COMPLETELY UNKNOWN by the department head of psychology at his university.

And so, with his passion for helping people increase understanding of themselves and the world they inhabit, finding their unique life purpose within the larger fabric of life (not just an ego-centrically driven purpose), and ultimately reaching their highest potential as a human being, he decided to start his own education business following his graduation from university.

Currently, he is posting insightful, educational videos to Youtube and offering coaching through the 8 Week Spiritual Fitness program.

He is also working on a few other digital products to be released sometime in 2024. 

Before the releasing of these products, he plans to start a tight-knit self-actualization online community where like-minded people can meet to share ideas, foster connection, and make friends.

If you resonate with Wyeth’s message, it is highly recommended to subscribe to his Waves of Wisdom Newsletter (at the bottom of this page), where you will receive actionable tips to foster your growth, as well as updates on Wyeth’s business endeavors.