Wake up! You are the Most Valuable Thing in the Universe!

YOU are the Most Valuable

Sex. Food. Relationships. Money. Status. Fame. Artificial Intelligence. The Psyche 16 Asteroid. Cats. Dogs. A beautiful mountain. Earth.

These are a list of things that are NOT the most valuable in the universe.

The most valuable thing in the universe is YOU. 

This is not at all a narcissistic statement to make. 

In fact, it is quite a noble one. 

So why are you the most valuable thing in the universe?

Because you are living your life, not somebody else's.

The body you inhabit, the mind that comes with you everywhere you go, is all you have known and all you ever will know.

Allow this to sink in deeper.

This life, this story, this unfolding of a human being that is occurring right now in your direct experience is LITERALLY ALL YOU KNOW. 

And sooner than you think, it is all going to come to an end.

Death does not need to be something to view as “bad” or “scary.”

It is a natural part of life.

Just like anything else in existence, we arise (birth), and then we pass away (death). 

What really should scare you is not making the most of your finite amount of time in this life.

You should be terrified by the thought of not following your highest excitements, your deepest curiosities, and most authentic callings in life. 

If you don’t value you, who will?

You may be thinking: My mom values me! My friends value me! My significant other values me!

You’re missing the point. 

Others can certainly aid you in your journey, but ultimately it is completely up to you to figure out what the Good Life is and how to live it. 

If you want your life to be amazing, if you want to reach your highest potential, if you want to self-actualize, if you want to find out what is true, only you can do it.

The life of your dreams will not be handed to you on a silver platter.

And it certainly won’t come to you if you do not value your life extremely highly.

I believe that every person should view their own development as a human as the most important thing in their life.

An Important Distinction

But in saying you should view your life as the most valuable thing, an important distinction needs to be made. 

This is not an invitation to all of a sudden enact your selfish and greedy desires on to reality. 

This is not an invitation to view yourself as better than, or superior to other people.

This is simply an invitation to take deep responsibility and ownership over your life, and to realize that no one can do this self-actualization thing for you.

Not Jesus. Not Buddha. Not a gazillion dollars. Not all the fame in the world.

Stop looking to be saved. 

Only you can do this. 

You can stay complacent and take the path of comfort, the path of no questioning. 

But in doing this, there will always be that part of you that knows you could have done something more, something that feels more right.

Something more exciting. Something more authentic.

So really ask yourself: Am I making the most out of life? Am I living the life I was meant to live when I came to Earth?

And if you feel that you are not making the most of your life, MAKE CHANGES LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.

Because your life literally does depend on it.


Here’s a list of some of the most common deathbed regrets people have:

  • “I wish I pursued my dreams”

  • “I should have spoken my mind more”

  • “I wish I made more time” (for the things that were meaningful to me)

  • “I wish I’d taken more chances”

  • “I wish I said ‘I love you’ more”

Don’t let it be you saying these things on your deathbed.

Make the promise to yourself that you will deeply value your life and live one of authentic self-expression.

Embracing Uncertainty

Although you may know that what you are doing now is not the right thing, it can be extraordinarily difficult to leave a path of comfort and security for a new path that is not yet completely clear.

While you should make calculated decisions, there is always a leap of faith factor when it comes to stepping into greater authenticity.

What if the start-up fails? What if I end up regretting dropping out of school? What if I can’t make enough money? What if I wind up a starving artist? What if I lose my friends because of this? What will my parents think?

These are all natural worries that may arise as you make progress on your life purpose. 

These worries arise because your ego clings to its old identity, it finds comfort in the way of life that it has become accommodated to for so long.

Quite literally, a part of you is dying.

However, there is beauty on the flip side of this, because a newer, greater self is being born.

When I had my initial spiritual awakening back in 2019, I knew my life would never be the same again.

Afterwards, I knew that my life would become one of seeking Truth and understanding of reality at the deepest level (as deep as I can handle). 

And I knew that my purpose on Earth was to aid in the growth of humanity’s collective consciousness, which I had become directly aware that the universe was already doing, I just had to answer the call and let its currents carry me.

After hundreds of hours of contemplation along with lots of trial and error, I ultimately have come to the conclusion that there is no way I can serve this purpose in a way that utilizes my greatest skills while following any sort of “conventional” path, “normal job”, or operating within any formal institution.

I have to completely build myself from the ground up, build a name for myself, and find a way to figure out how to do my work full-time.

This has been an immense leap of faith, but I know that turning my back on this path would be to turn my back on my deepest calling.

And I will die before I ever do that. 

I’ve fallen out of touch with many friends along the way, but the ones that stay and the new ones that come in are meant to be there.

The beautiful thing about stepping into greater authenticity is that you naturally attract a life that is suited to you.

It takes some time, but as you undergo your internal transformation, your external world eventually catches up to give you the life that perfectly matches you. 

This is the Law of Attraction.

Always make calculated decisions in accordance to these worries and qualms you have about taking this leap into uncertainty.

Don’t follow the first impulse that seems hopeful. Follow the thing that you have felt is right in your heart for a while.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Commit to Yourself 

If you know something in your life needs changing, but you’re not entirely sure what, then it is time for you to embark on an era of questioning and experimentation.

Make it a habit to take long walks in nature with the intention of asking yourself deep questions. 

If you need a few questions to get you started in your contemplation, check out my past blog post titled 100 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get in Touch With Your Life Purpose.

Ask out loud (or in your mind, whatever you prefer) one of these questions, and watch your mind go to work at answering it like you’re watching a movie. 

Don’t jump to any conclusions, and don’t look to be saved by a light bulb moment. 

Just watch. 

Be the witness of your thoughts, not the thinker of your thoughts.

Notice your body’s reactions as you are contemplating.

What makes you feel excited? What makes you scared? What makes you open? What makes you close? 

Ultimately, what feels the most right?

Be the Witness until you approach the end of your walk, only then should you start making plans on what your next step is. 

Oftentimes the right answer is a feeling that you ought to try something new, to take up a new hobby, to read a particular book or watch a video, research a certain topic, or try out a new habit.

Other times the answer is more drastic, such as quitting your job, moving out of town, leaving a relationship, or booking a trip to the other side of the world.

Whatever conclusions you come to, commit to mindfully asking yourself questions on a regular basis.

Oscillate between contemplation and taking action.

You will never generate a grand, perfect plan in your mind before you ever take a single action.

Likewise, you will never find the right thing for you if you are doing things willy nilly without any genuine intention behind it.

Wake up!

So when I say in the title of this newsletter “Wake up!”, I mean it!

Wake up and realize that if you want to live a profound life, to actualize the life of your highest excitement, it’s on you to make it happen. 

You are the most valuable thing in the universe.

Again, this is not a selfish or narcissistic statement to make. 

This is not a way to view yourself as higher than, or above other people. 

At its core, this is a statement of self-love. 

It is the knowing that you cannot save the world, but by looking deep within, and taking consistent action, you can find your gift.

And by staying rooted in this love for yourself, you are willing to do whatever is necessary for you to bring this gift to life, and share it with the world. 

And those who are touched by your gifts are moved by the same love from which they sprung to existence in the first place. 

Moved by love, this helps them find and develop their gifts, from which they share with others.

And through this process happening, the world slowly evolves towards higher love and consciousness. 

But this can only happen if you are willing to do whatever is necessary on the path to self-actualization (and eventually self-transcendence).

Do not think of this fluffy concept of a “gift” as singular and fixed, you will give a multitude of gifts in a variety of ways as you progress on your path. 

And don’t think of this “gift” as something that exists separate from you that you must search for. 

Your gifts are already with you, but it is through the commitment to developing yourself, to looking deep within, to not compromising your core values, to pursuing your curiosities and highest excitements at all costs, that these gifts will come to fruition in their purest form. 

So stop running, stop hiding, stop staying mediocrity and start living the life you know you are meant to live.

After all, you are living your life, not somebody else’s.

So if you don’t value you, who will?

My Offers

I hope this post has awoken something within you, however subtle, to the fact that your self-actualization lies completely in your own hands. 

If you know you are meant for something more in life but are unsure of what the next step is, consider booking a coaching call with me.

I believe my greatest ability as a coach is the ability to ask penetrating questions, unique to your situation, that get your mind thinking in ways it has not before.

If you are interested in working with me 1 on 1, I offer one off coaching sessions as well as packages for multiple. 

Head to the “Coaching” tab of this website for more info.

With love,



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