Unlock Your Infinite Potential With Spiritual Fitness

8 Weeks to Skyrocket Awareness, Cultivate Self-Love, and Catalyze Your Life Purpose

Note: At the end of this newsletter is an offer from me that will never be given out again..

Is This You?

Do you feel like there is “something more” to life that you haven’t quite realized yet?

Do you want life to stop feeling like a “grind” all the time?

Perhaps you are fed up with an unfulfilling career?

Disillusioned with the track that society has set out for you?

If you want to have a larger impact on the world, and wake up feeling light, invigorated, and inspired each day, I got you.

I’ve been there, completely disillusioned with the world and the beliefs that culture programmed into me that told me the way I ought to live.

Living this way comes with a lot of baggage. 

Life becomes a grind. 

You feel heavy. 

Your existence becomes a constant seeking of release from all the stress and emotional weight you carry around.

And thus, you rarely feel truly satisfied, whole, and content with reality.

But, there is a way out of this way of living.

And here is the first step:

Stop looking for answers “out there.”

You must turn inward.

What every human desires (and most do not even realize this) is a life lived from a direct connection to the heart, to the Universe/God/Spirit/Source/the One/the Divine/Brahman, whatever you want to call it.

99% of humans make the mistake of thinking this divine essence exists outside of themselves, which creates the struggle of always looking “out there” for a sense of completion.

Halt the active, outward-oriented, egoic processes for now, and get into a receptive, inward-oriented, soulful mode of existence.

This place of being is the fountain from which your life’s purpose is born from.

Your Highest Self beckons you. 

A life of love, purpose, fulfillment, and bliss awaits you.

And I will help you to do this.

Cultivating Spiritual Fitness

To create this life, you will have to cultivate spiritual fitness.

Now what is Spiritual Fitness?

Spiritual Fitness is similar to physical fitness, in that when you “put in the reps”, such as weightlifting or running, you become more fit as a result.

But with Spiritual Fitness, “putting in the reps” includes a wide variety of practices that increases awareness and self-understanding, allows one to take on increasingly higher-order perspectives of self and reality, and enhances one’s ability to empathize and love (both others AND yourself!)

The result of consistent Spiritual Fitness practice is the gradual transcendence of egoic conditioning that has made you experience yourself as separate from Reality/Universe/God/Source your entire life.

In revealing the inherent oneness in all things, a life lived from the heart, and an authentic life purpose can be born.

Note: The aim is NOT to get rid of the ego. The aim is to inhabit the ego with greater awareness. Only the ego tries to kill the ego. Which, counterintuitively, only makes its grip on you stronger! Like a chinese finger trap.

The 8-Week Spiritual Fitness Package

My offer to you is an 8-week coaching program designed to jumpstart your Spiritual Fitness.

This program will require about 4 hours per week of spiritual fitness work for 8 weeks.

If you are unwilling to put in this amount of time, then stop reading.

This program includes many of the tools, techniques, and practices that I wish I had at the beginning of my personal development journey.

What you will get out of this program is also what I believe higher education (college/university) ought to be instilling into people, but largely fails to do so.

Through this program you will cultivate a sense of Spiritual Fitness that…

  • Leaves you feeling empowered and equipped to make a unique impact on the world that is deeply meaningful and satisfying for you, but also serves a unique purpose for the collective.

  • Generates deeper self-understanding, and leaves you with a clear vision (and plan) of what your most spiritually fit, self-actualized self looks like.

  • Enhances mindfulness/ability to meditate…able to detach from the chatter of the mind and just BE with whatever is in experience

  • Increases awareness of ego, the beliefs it holds in your reality, and equips you to challenge these beliefs, let go of limiting ones, and adopt healthier ones.

  • Heightens access to intuition + trust in the intuition/heart to lead you to the right place in life.

  • Cultivates greater Self-Love (not just love of individual self, but the Universal Self - the accept and embrace of all)

  • Increases autonomy in your spiritual practice that allows you to continue cultivating Spiritual Fitness after the program is over.

  • Bonus: Introduces you to like-minded friends on the journey of Spiritual Fitness/Self-Actualization.

Anyway, the core question we are seeking to answer at the beginning of the program is: what type of seed am I?

To clarify: Think of how the nature of a tomato seed is to grow into a tomato plant. The nature of the acorn is to grow into an oak tree. The nature of Charmander is to grow into Charizard.

Notice how every seed also bears fruit once it matures (a gift that is given to the world that nourishes life).

Likewise, the most mature version of you, as a human being, also has a unique gift to give to the world that will nourish life.

And we will figure out a clear vision of what that is.

Thus, the first two weeks of this program are largely dedicated to personality typing, values exploration & clarification, and other visionary exercises to bring you towards greater self-understanding (the type of seed you are), so that you have a more clear picture of what your highest, spiritually fit, self-actualized self looks like.

From there, we will begin nourishing the seed that is your consciousness with various mindfulness building techniques, meditative & contemplative methods, and embodiment exercises.

Gradually, you will develop greater understanding of who you are within the larger fabric of life, peel away layers of conditioning that no longer serve your Highest Self, and step into your authentic life purpose.

The package includes:

  • An introductory intentional call + 8 coaching calls (1 hour, 1 per week)

  • A personalized, weekly Spiritual Fitness plan (approx 30 min of spiritual work each day)

  • Access to my phone number, can text me anytime if you have questions, comments, or concerns (same day response)

  • Bonus 1: Access to my “Infinite Library” - A list of books I have read, includes a brief summary along with a 1 star through 5 star rating so you don’t waste your time reading bad books.

  • Bonus 2: Invitation to my Skool Community, where we conduct weekly group calls with other, like-minded people into Spirituality/Self-Actualization work with the intention of creating friendships.

I value this package at $1250 USD, but for the first 5 people who are onboarded, I will slash the price by 80% and give it to you for $250 USD. 

Never again in my life will I offer a coaching package of this depth for an amount of money this low, so if you have already been wanting to cultivate Spiritual Fitness and catalyze your Life Purpose, this may be the best opportunity from me you will ever get.

And, if the worst case scenario happens and you are not satisfied at the end of the program, you will get your money back GUARANTEED.

There really is no downside in joining. The only way you can lose is by choosing not to cultivate your Spiritual Fitness.

If you are interested in joining, respond to this email or (preferably) send me a DM on Instagram (@wyeth.sterling).

Remember, only the first 5 takers get the program at the $250 price, so be sure to act fast.

Your Highest Self awaits you.

With Love,


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