The Trip of a Lifetime
The RoadTrip of a Lifetime
Saratoga Beach on Vancouver Island, BC
I have returned from and am feeling well-integrated after a 2 week solo road trip in the Pacific Northwest.
It was one of the most insightful experiences of my life, precisely because I spent the majority of the trip solo.
In my experience, there’s something about being alone that allows me to enter much deeper states of contemplation and introspection than I otherwise would.
Infusing these contemplative states with fun, flowy, non-restrictive, adventurous states of consciousness made this a trip of a lifetime.
On this trip, the deep-seated feeling that everything is perfect, that I am being divinely guided and am loved, held, and embraced by the Universe stood out above all.
I felt this perfection every day on the trip, especially while in beautiful nature spots (will share pics later on in this post).
This is a feeling I’ve been having strongly all year long, so really the insights and feelings on this trip were nothing new, but rather a reminder.
I strongly believe the reason that I’ve been having these feelings all year long is because I’ve been living more authentically than ever before.
And really, the essence of this spiritual game we’re playing is about becoming more and more authentic. That is, more and more Who You Truly Are.
The way I see it is when you’re living more authentically, you’re living more in alignment with God, so naturally these feelings that everything is perfect, that you’re on the right path, that everything is divinely guided will surface.
In years past, my inauthentic ways had been becoming more and more aware to me, causing me more and more pain and suffering as my ego continued to withhold my authentic self from shining through.
I won’t go too deep into the specific mechanisms of my prior inauthenticity in this post, but I will say at the start of 2024 I made multiple significant life changes that felt more in alignment.
Upon making these changes, I was met with an almost hypomanic-like expansion of my being in which I felt extremely close to and hyperconnected with everything, was more sensitive to my emotions and bodily sensations, and experienced cathartic emotional releases that felt like I was purging (intense crying sessions) on 3 consecutive full moons.
This state of expansion lasted about 4 months before gradually returning to “normal.”
But my new “normal” was a more authentic, freely flowing, and less closed off state of being.
And going on this road trip was sort of like wrapping a bow on these previous 9 months of my life that had the theme of “authenticity.”
I was able to see clearly and even laugh lightheartedly at my inauthentic ways from just a year ago, and see how deeply myself and the others that were touched by my inauthenticity suffered as a result.
While on this trip, there was a knowing that I never have to worry about losing my connection to Who I Really Am ever again, and that’s why I write the words “wrapping a bow” on that phase of my life.
But really this isn’t so black and white.
Even saying “wrapping a bow” doesn’t feel like the perfect words. In many ways I am still inauthentic, and these ways will have to be transcended, but I am just far, far less inauthentic than I was before.
Other Insights
What’s so great about going on a big adventure such as the one I took is that it shakes up our ingrained, habitual, everyday ways of being.
It allows us to step outside our life, and enter an altered state of consciousness that allows us to view ourselves and the world from a different, might I even say expanded, lens.
It’s kind of similar to a psychedelic trip.
You enter a different state, your current way of being is shaken up, and when you go back to “baseline”, you have imprints, insights, and intuitions that allow you to live your life more in alignment than you were living previously.
In my case, I was able to see on this trip how I had dug myself into a hole with my business that stemmed from the core beliefs “life is hard” and “entrepreneurship is a grind.”
The matter is not whether these statements are true or not, the matter is that I had been pushing myself and making my business and content-creation process too many steps simply due to the fact that I had these beliefs, when in actuality I could simplify, which would allow me to enjoy life a lot more.
Going forward, my videos (after my next upload) will not be heavily edited nor scripted, they will simply be an authentically spontaneous transmission of a topic that has been on my mind.
Due to these videos being easier and taking way less time to make, I expect to upload to Youtube about 3-5 times per week starting in October.
In addition, this Waves of Wisdom Newsletter will take on a different flavor.
Instead of essentially being the written form of my videos, they will be shorter, value-packed, written in a way that a friend would speak to you, and created on a weekly basis.
These shifts will allow for a more heart-felt and authentic connection with you guys (the audience), lessening my workload, and freeing up more energy for my 1 to 1 coaching clients (which is where my highest passion lies).
I also decided on this trip that I almost certainly will be moving to the Seattle area in 2025.
The energy of the Pacific Northwest calls to me, and if any of you reading this are from that area, feel free to reach out to me.
All in all, this trip was one I’ll remember forever! I highly recommend solo travel if you’re looking for growth, inspiration, and clarity in your life!
Enjoy the pictures from the trip below.
Snapshots of the Trip
My camping spot next to the Hoh River just outside Olympic National Park, WA
Hoh Trail at Olympic National Park, WA
Enormous orange fungus growing on a tree in the Hoh Rainforest in Olympic National Park
Five Mile Island at Olympic National Park
Snapshot on the ferry from Bainbridge Island to Seattle
Overlooking Thornton Lake in North Cascades National Park, WA
On the water at Thornton Lake
The North Cascades Mountain Range
Overlooking Vancouver at Cypress Provincial Park, BC
Garibaldi Outlook
Saratoga Beach on Vancouver Island
Elk Falls Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, BC