Springtime Energetic Surges, The Slippery Slope of Fantasization,and Business Updates
The Energetic Shift of 2024
A bit of a more personal post here.
Less than 4 months into the year, and 2024 is already proving to be very transformative.
After a powerful moment of authenticity that led to the breakup of a romantic relationship back in early January, my body has since been coursing with levels of energy I have never experienced before.
It almost seems as if “something else” has taken over and is carrying me through life.
I interpret this “something else”, which I know at the end of the day isn’t really something else, it is me, as being a more authentic aura, something more aligned with the God self (expansive, one with everything) rather than the ego self (contracted, separate from everything).
During this time, I have been surging with optimism, feeling love and a sense of connectedness to everyone and everything, and have found myself in absolute awe of the beauty of the world.
Businesswise, I have been working longer hours than ever, but it feels mostly effortless because everything I am doing is totally in alignment with where this newfound energy wants to go.
In addition, my work with coaching clients has been deeper than ever, with the calls having a more pure and authentic vibe, cutting straight to the core of whatever the issue is.
And speaking of business, I would like to share some news that you may find relevant before we get into the meat of this post:
I started an online community called The Soulful Synergy Sanctuary (SSS for short). The purpose of this community is to foster authentic connection among those on the path of spiritual growth and self-actualization. Every Sunday, we do weekly “connection” calls, which are designed to cultivate friendships through discussion groups. In addition, we share resources and hold a meditation hour where we all meditate together and chat afterwards.
If you would like to join, here is the link! It is completely free!
2. May 3 is the deadline to join Spiritual Fitness for the 80% off price ($1000 off full price), which is an 8-week coaching program designed to cultivate mindfulness, expand your understanding of yourself, and catalyze your life purpose. After May 3, the price is going to rise, so if you are already interested, there is no better time to inquire than now.
You can click this link to book a free 30 minute call to discuss if the program fits your goals & aspirations. If you have additional questions you can reply to this email or send me a DM on Instagram.
With the news part of this newsletter out of the way, let’s continue.
The Downsides of this Energetic Shift
Although this shift of energy has been beautiful and unlike anything I have ever experienced, it is not all sunshine and rainbows.
During this time, I have found it incredibly difficult to get a good night’s sleep, averaging between 5-6 hours per night.
In addition, these surges of optimism can sometimes morph into grandiose visions of the future of my life, as well as the future of humanity.
And while I see these visions as reflections of the deepest desire of the soul, it has been easy for the ego to claim them and get swept away while entertaining them, morphing them into something self-aggrandizing.
And when I get swept away in these visions, my focus on the present moment completely goes away, and I lose that “spark” which I feel I so often have embodied during this energetic surge.
I recognize that many of these symptoms describe mania, the primary symptom of bipolar disorder.
Yet at this moment I find seeking a diagnosis to be pointless, as I don’t interpret my experience as being disorderly, in the sense that I am not harming myself or others.
This time around I have found the energy to be quite the opposite of disorderly overall, revealing to me the deepest desires of my heart, and catalyzing my personal and spiritual growth all the more.
Fantasization - A Sneaky Ego Defense Mechanism
I use my personal story to lead into the main topic of today’s post, which is regarding one of the ego’s sneakiest defense mechanisms, fantasization.
Fantasization is the mechanism of mind that entertains elaborate and extravagant notions, ideas, and possibilities regarding the future.
I view fantasization as a complex mechanism of mind that can serve as both a fountain of inspiration, as well as a block to personal growth.
Don’t get me wrong. Envisioning a better future for oneself and for the world is a natural tendency.
In fact, you should dedicate lots of time to envisioning what you want this future to be.
But you must have a keen awareness for how you relate to these visions, because the trap is when this envisioning becomes an indulgence, as a means to escape the present moment.
Because at the end of the day, the present moment is all that there is.
There is a reason that every spiritual teaching is guiding you towards being fully content in the eternal Now, because to be anywhere other than the present moment is to be in a projection of the mind (past or future), which is removed from reality-as-is.
Yet, it is still incredibly important to make use of these mechanisms of mind that projects itself into the future.
But the key is to do it in a soulful, mindful, non-attached way.
To explain this further, I find it important to distinguish between the longing of the soul, and the desire of the ego.
In eye eyes, a future-vision that the soul longs for is typically one that is expansive and contributes to the greater good of all, whereas a vision that the ego desires is typically one that pedastalizes itself, validates itself, and is self-aggrandizing.
A soul fantasy is warm, peaceful, and brings about a sense of contentment, whereas an ego fantasy is driven by an anxious, often restless sense of lack.
A soul vision is also more flexible and sustainable, whereas an ego fantasy tends to be more rigid, resulting in frustration when reality is at odds with the vision.
In my recent energetic surge, I have found myself being pummeled with soul visions of the future at random times of the day, whether I am writing, driving, meditating, working out, or trying to go to sleep.
While these visions vary in content, the underlying energy behind them remains the same every time, which is the pure energy of unconditional love, oneness, wholeness, peace, harmony, beauty, truth, goodness…these are all qualities of God, you get the idea.
There is always an emphasis on connection, community, intimacy, and authenticity behind these visions.
For the future of my life I see a life lived close to nature, in an abundant community of friends and family, where we all are mutually giving our gifts to each other.
For the future of humanity I see a united, global species that is living in harmony with nature, utilizing technology (AI) to serve the well-being of all, with systems that foster the self-actualization and transcendence of all people.
When I have these intricate visions, I typically am brought straight to tears, get goosebumps, and experience tingling throughout my body, as if God is saying hell yes! to these visions coming forth in reality.
While I recognize these visions as the longing of the soul, there are other times where my ego morphs them into something for its own wants.
When I feel a sense of lack or anxiety, I can tend to fixate and sort of mentally masturbate on an image of this vision to soothe myself, as a way to escape the sense of incompleteness I currently feel.
Other times when I feel the sense of lack, my ego likes to pedestalize itself and think it is special for having these visions.
In this, I find the visions themselves also morphing from something soulful and loving to something that brings a quick, short-term, immediate gratification to ego.
When I get lost in this, I feel that the “spark” from the original energy of the visions is lost, and they lose their potency.
For me, this has been a very sneaky mechanism, and it requires consistent awareness and dedication to truly seeing reality-as-is to overcome this.
I find that some great medicine for this is to just take a step back from the picture, take a deep breath, smile, and perhaps even laugh at the ego’s trickery.
This sense of detachment is exactly what is needed to make use of the mechanism of mind that projects into the future in a healthy way.
Inevitably, if we feel fused to and fixated on the visions coming to reality, it becomes a means for the ego to entertain itself.
But through cultivating a deeper listening to yourself, engaging in mindful visualization, and staying grounded through practices such as meditation, yoga, etc., you can gain a higher-order understanding of how Reality wants to move you, rather than staying in the egoic perspective of how your individual, separate self can move within and “make your mark” on Reality.
The former is the way of utilizing fantasization to serve the greater good, whereas the latter is the way of using fantasization to gratify your ego.
Hope this post was insightful!
With love and intention,
Just another reminder than May 3 is the deadline to join Spiritual Fitness for the 80% off price ($1000 off full price).
You can watch this video to learn more about the program, and click this link to book your free 30 minute intention call to discuss if you are a good fit for the program.
Feel free to respond to this email or send me a DM on Instagram (@wyeth.sterling) if you have further questions.