Wyeth’s 2024 Plans


2024 is upon us and I wish you all a blessed New Year.

This is a time that many of us are reflecting on how we can live better in the New Year.

A piece of advice that has been resonating with me is not to force yourself into new habits, but flow into them.

In other words, building a profound life, and thus healthy habits, should not have to feel like a “grind.” 

Sure, there will need to be some active force at the beginning as you adjust to a new routine, but the habits you choose to incorporate should be habits that you naturally enjoy/genuinely want to do.

I’m tired of feeling like I must do something, I prefer to do something I already like doing that effortlessly fits into my routine.

More on this topic later, I wanted to give you guys an update because I have been offline from my business for over a month and a half now.

Right below this you will find my business aspirations and what content/value you can expect from me in 2024. Scroll further down and you can read about my recent depressive spell along with my habit goals for 2024. 

I hope along the way you can find some inspiration and insight regarding life design in 2024.

2024 Business Goals

2024 is an ambitious year for me in the business realm.

By the end of January I will be releasing my first digital product, which will be a free Self-Actualization Roadmap mini-course.

The Infinite Library

Sometime in the middle of the year I will be releasing my second digital product.

It will be titled something like The Infinite Library or The Self-Actualizers’ Library, but essentially it is a book list for all things related to personal development, self-actualization, spirituality, etc.

There will be a free version and a paid version.

The free version will be a list of books along with a short, few-sentence summary of what the book is about and my brief opinion on it.

The paid version will include a document for each book that includes key insights, paraphrases, quotes, as well as my personal thoughts about certain passages in the books.

With the dozens of books I’ve read over the past couple years, I’ve written and underlined profusely in them, then I would create a document distilling the key insights so I would remember them better.

So I thought to myself, Why not productize this? It would provide so much value!

I am extremely excited about this product, and I plan to continue adding to it for my whole life. After all, it is a library.

The 1.0 version will include approximately 50-60 books, but in the far future I envision it including over 1000.

My First Book

I have also been in the process of writing my first book.

Really, all these blogs I’ve been posting are subjects talked about within the book, and once I’ve written enough I will edit and synthesize the information into book format.

I am not yet sure what the title will be, something that just came to my head is Unfold Yourself: A Radical New Paradigm for Personal Development, but the premise is to emphasize that your development should feel like an unfolding of yourself.

Too often in mainstream personal development there is the narrative of the broken self. The narrative that one is “broken”, “fucked up”, and must “fix” themself. This leaves people with a false self-image and without an idea of where true inner peace lies.

One of the first personal development books I read was Unf*ck Yourself by Gary John Bishop. I read it when I was 16 and I don’t remember a single thing about the book other than that it perpetuated said narrative. 

The reality is that human development is an unfolding process. As you develop your sense of self expands along with your inner peace and capacity to love. 

The goal is not to become a completely new person. As the process is carried out, you become more you.

You drop what no longer serves you, and you carry the core aspects of yourself into increasing depths of self, bliss, harmony, and love.

The Universe/God is evolving towards greater Love, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and human development is exactly the same way.

The book is highly unlikely to be published in 2024, but I am aiming to have a first manuscript complete.

Stay tuned.

Content Creation

Probably the most important goal for me business-wise in 2024 is increasing my number of true fans.

I used to care so much about the amount of Youtube subscribers or Instagram followers I had, but the truth is those numbers hardly even matter.

My goal is to foster a tight-knit community of people who are interested in self-actualization and transcendence, so the only number that really matters here is the number of people who are willing to do the work, and are interested in me specifically to help them on this path.

A true fan is someone who deeply resonates and is moved by a creator’s message. In my case, a true fan would be someone who is pursuing self-actualization, watches most of my videos, would consider me for coaching, and would purchase my digital products.

I know this more personal interaction is where most transformation is made, so I will be prioritizing that more.

With this in mind, I will be doing more to connect directly with followers: creating a Skool community, engaging more in comments, engaging more in DMs, and offering more free/discounted coaching. 

I am also playing with the idea of group coaching as well, but it will take time before that comes to fruition.

As far as content goes, I just want to provide as much value as I can.

I’ve been too focused on fine details that I have not put out nearly as much content as I have wanted.

So far, the average watch time on my videos has been far too low which tells me I am not doing enough to stimulate the viewer’s attention.

In the past with videos on my old channel, The Curious Minds, I was focused less on aesthetics and focused mostly on just providing value, and my average watch times were far higher.

So the format of the videos will probably change a bit, but you can expect a great video every time I upload.

Miscellaneous Business goals

I also am looking to connect with a lot of people of my niche and create a network of like-minded people.

I’ve long wanted to improve my off the cuff speaking ability and I have always been nervous to speak on podcasts.

I’m committed to taking up every possible speaking opportunity I am given this year.

I am also going to convert my old youtube channel into The Curious Minds Podcast, where I post conversations I have with other like-minded people.

The uploads there will be irregular in 2024 but the nice part is that there won’t be extra work, considering I’ll be posting conversations I would already have been having with people anyway.

I’m looking forward to a successful 2024!

The Dark Place I’ve Been In

I’ve been virtually inactive from all things business-related since mid-November because I’ve been going through a pretty dark time.

As the seasons moved closer towards winter life began to weigh on me more and more.

With the pressure of building the business, working a restaurant job to pay the bills, questioning the relationship with my girlfriend, and living in an environment that was extremely cramped and not conducive to building healthy habits, I became depressed.

It was different from the depression I have experienced before, as there was virtually no sadness nor a sense of hopelessness.

I felt extremely emotionally numb, dissociated, and apathetic to life. I also felt blocked from thinking deeply about the future, and for the life of me could not concentrate on any business-related tasks. 

There was also a strong detachment from everything in my experience, but not in a meditative way, more of a “I don’t care, I’m not in control, whatever happens is going to happen” type of way.

Multiple times throughout the day people (mostly my girlfriend) would be talking to me and I would completely forget what the conversation was about or what they had just told me.

It felt like my body was running on auto-pilot and that my ability to intake information from my environment was highly limited.

It also did not help the situation at all that I was smoking copious amounts of weed each day to dissociate.

In fact, it certainly was making the situation worse.

Based on my symptoms, I speculate I may have been going through some sort of depersonalization/derealization, and I plan on seeing a therapist soon to help me process everything.

I knew not long after the depression started to hit me in late September/early October that I would probably need to move out of the small, cramped studio I was at in San Luis Obispo, but it was not until a couple days before Christmas that I finally made the move back to my hometown in the San Francisco Bay Area.

And now, only a few days in, I am already feeling so much better.

Currently, I am living in my parents’ house and have spent the past few days enjoying the holidays with family and grounding myself in my new reality. 

I am grateful that they are supportive of my business endeavors, and being able to live here without worrying about rent or bills frees up an extraordinary amount of energy for me to pour into creating videos, writing, and other business-tasks.

With the trajectory of my healing I will also feel ready to hold space and coach clients soon, as these past few months were impossible to attentively listen and help guide others on their own journeys.

All in all, I am feeling hopeful about the future, have been contemplating how I want to design my life in my new home, and am in a ripe state to make internal change for the better.

2024 Habit Goals 

Most of my 2024 aspirations have to do with developing a deeper trust in myself and my ability to create a profound life and in turn help lead others to do the same.

While I have never been the most disciplined person, these past few months I have been less disciplined than ever.

I fell off my meditation habit, was sleeping on an erratic schedule, was not on the best diet, spent way too much time on screens mindlessly scrolling, and was compulsively smoking an ungodly amount of weed.

My daily routine and mental state had gotten so bad that I lost a lot of trust in myself to create the life I have envisioned.

I know this trust will come back with discipline and consistency, which is why these are key themes for me in 2024.

But the thing is, I’ve been in virtually this exact position before.

Numerous times I’ve been here, sitting at my computer, less than a week before the New Year, brainstorming all the ways I ought to change so I can be a better person in the new year, all for me to end up disappointed by the lack of change that occurred.

For the past few years I kept repeating the phrase to myself “discipline or die”, because I know without discipline that the life I want will not come to fruition.

But I don’t like this phrase anymore. It is unhealthy for me.

I feel this phrase perpetuates the narrative that I must use force to “hold myself together” and keep entropy away.

In prior times, even the slightest lapse of discipline and I would beat myself up, counterintuitively causing more entropy in my habit systems, until they would fall apart virtually completely.

I’m over the narrative that creating healthy habits is a “grind”, sure there is some force required at the beginning when your body is not used to the routine, but the reality is that if the habits are not something you naturally enjoy/genuinely want to do, it is probably not worth even trying. 

Instead of forcing yourself into new habits, flow into them.

After contemplating on the question “what is my ideal day like in 2024?” and feeling into my heart, this is what I came up with:

  • 6:30AM: Wake up, stretch, get dressed, brush teeth, etc.

  • 6:45AM: 20 minute walk (gotta wake up the body and get that natural sunlight first thing in the day)

  • 7:10AM: 30 minutes meditation

  • 7:40AM: Deep Work (like writing or editing a video)

  • 10:00AM: Breakfast, respond to messages on phone

  • 10:40AM: Deep Work (this time slot I would take clients too)

  • 1:30PM: Lunch

  • 2:00PM: Lift at gym or go for a run (whichever exercise is on my fitness plan for that day) 

  • 3:30PM: The next 5 or so hours I leave very open depending on what I want to do/what needs to be done. During this time I plan on doing less mentally draining tasks like making instagram posts, responding to emails, etc. Might hang out with friends, watch an NBA game, go grocery shopping, read a book, etc. I’ll eat dinner in here somewhere.

  • 8:30PM: Put phone away for the night, journal, shower, brush teeth, etc.

  • 9:00PM: 30 minutes meditation

  • 9:30PM: Read

  • 10:00-10:30PM: Go to sleep

Keep in mind this is my IDEAL day. It will not be possible for me to have exactly this schedule everyday in 2024..

My primary aim is to be impeccable with that schedule from 6:30AM to 2PM, but eventually, once I solidify the routine, I will have to find a part-time job that I would work sometime between 2PM and 9PM a few days a week. 

I’ve been able to stick to this schedule fairly well since I’ve been home, although I have gotten lost in doom scrolling a few times lol, but I haven’t beaten myself up about it and plan on putting my phone in a lockbox for most of the day anyway.

Also keep in mind this is a schedule created for my unique body, mind, and interests.

I am someone who automatically wakes up when the sun rises (never used an alarm in my life) so I built my daily system to start at sunrise.

I have also thrived off routine in the past, so I built my day to the minute.

But other people might turn into creative geniuses once the sun goes down or don’t need a rigid routine, so always build your life based on your unique self. Don’t get caught in the trap of trying to wake up at 5am everyday just because you heard people talking about it on Youtube.

Thanks for reading, best of luck in 2024!


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